Catalog > Free Tutorials > Amazing Trick to Recover Shadow Detail in Photoshop
  • Amazing Trick to Recover Shadow Detail in Photoshop

  • by Aaron Nace
    April 15, 2014
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How to Recover Shadow Detail

It can be hard to capture detail in both the Shadows and Highlights of an image because the dynamic range of most cameras is too small. A lot of the time the dark areas of your images will come out looking black.

In this episode we show you an amazing trick to recover Shadow detail in Photoshop without disturbing the Highlights.

Shadow / Highlight

You will learn how to use the Shadow / Highlight Tool to recover detail in your Shadows as well as correct overexposed Highlights.

Bonus: Add a Light Flare

As a bonus we show you how to add a Light flare to this image. It is a simple trick that will give your images some Style. We start by choosing the Gradient Tool and selecting “Radial Gradient” and “Foreground to Transparent” in the Gradient Editor. After choosing a Color from our image we apply a large gradient in the corner to create the glow.

After creating the glow use a Layer Mask and “Apply Image” to blend the glow into the image and make it appear more natural.

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