• Extreme Wide Angle Photography

  • by Aaron Nace
    May 15, 2013
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Extreme Wide Angle Here We Go

For the this extreme wide Angle tutorial we will discuss using an ND Filter, Lighting Diagrams that work, and provide you all with the finished image.

Using an ND Filter

For this particular extreme wide Angle image, we wanted a sky that was not blown out and even a little bit dark. To do this we used a neutral density filter, or ND Filter. What is a ND Filter, you ask? An ND Filter decreases your Exposure by a certain number of stops, in this case we were using a 3-stop ND filter.

Here’s an example – If you’re shooting at f/8 and your exposure is perfect before putting an 3-stop ND Filter onto your lens, you’ll have to compensate by 3 stops and open your aperture up to f/4 for a proper Exposure. This makes ND Filters a great Tool for creating dark skies!

Lighting Diagram

Final Image

Stay tuned tomorrow for an episode on the post-processing that went into this image!

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