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Catalog > Free Tutorials > Why I Love Lightroom Mobile
  • Why I Love Lightroom Mobile

  • by Aaron Nace
    October 22, 2019
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lightroom mobile desktop editing ipadlightroom mobile desktop editing ipad



Download our Cinematic Lightroom Profiles

Click the link below to download the free Lightroom Profiles. Installation instructions are down below!


Tutorial Description

When Lightroom for Desktop and Mobile was announced, I didn’t think I would have much use for it. As a long-time Lightroom Classic user, my expectations were pretty low. Not because I thought the new software would be useless for everyone, I just didn’t think a mobile Lightroom could offer the same level of performance I’d been used to.

Boy, was I wrong.

Lightroom for Desktop and Mobile has transformed how I work and has changed my outlook on what mobile editing can be. Watch the video and find out what I love most about Lightroom!

Free Lightroom Profiles!

lightroom cinematic preset profile example

We’ve included 5 of our custom-made Cinematic Lightroom Profiles for you to download and use for free! You can download them by clicking on the button above. And you can see what they look like here!

If you want learn all about how Lightroom for Desktop and Mobile and get the rest of our exclusive Preset and Profiles, check out The Ultimate Guide to Lightroom for Desktop & Mobile!

Installation Instructions:

  1. Open Lightroom, click on File, and then select Import Presets & Profiles.
  2. Navigate to the folder where you saved the download, select all 5 of the Profiles (Cinematic 01-05), and click Import.
  3. Click on the Edit button on the top right sidebar. The Edit menu will open.
  4. At the top of the Edit menu, you’ll see a drop-down box labeled Profile. Click on the drop-down box and select Browse All Profiles…. Near the bottom of the list, you’ll find another drop-down titled PHLEARN Cinematic. All 5 profiles will be in there and ready for you to use on your images!

Store RAW Photos on the Cloud

The most obvious benefit of Lightroom is the cloud-based storage. Not only can you store all of your photos and access them from anywhere, you can store full RAW images! Save valuable space on your computer or tablet and don’t worry about lugging multiple external drives with you when you go out shooting.

Full RAW Editing!

So you can store full RAW, but it doesn’t stop there. Lightroom also allows for full RAW processing from any phone, tablet, or computer! If you’re used to the power of Lightroom Classic or Adobe Camera RAW, Lightroom for Desktop and Mobile won’t disappoint.

Create & Use Lightroom Presets

Lightroom Presets are popular tool for creators. If you have a particular look and style to your color grading, you can save those adjustments to speed up your workflow or share them with other image makers.

You can also download and use Presets and Profiles made by other artists! So if there’s a style you love and want to try, Presets can make it easier than ever.

The Power of Lightroom Classic

This isn’t some watered down version of Lightroom Classic. Lightroom for Desktop and Mobile has all of the tools I need to take my photos to the next level. From the Healing Brush to Graduated Filters, it has all the powerful tools of Classic and they deliver the same professional results.

No Computer? No Problem!

A computer-free post-production workflow is finally possible! I recently spent some time in Alaska, which was my first time using a full Lightroom Mobile workflow out in the field. Equipped with an SD card adapter for my iPad and a Sony a7R with Wi-Fi, I was able to shoot, transfer, and edit all of my images–and with my normal editing workstation thousands of miles away in Chicago.

And even though Lightroom has powerful mobile options, you can still use it on your PC or Mac. That means your editing workflow can follow you wherever you go, whether your out in the field or at your desk in the studio.

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