• Basic Color Grading in Lightroom – Day 8

  • by Aaron Nace
    March 9, 2025
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Ever felt your photos lacked that “pop”? Let’s fix that!Day 8 brings us Lightroom’s color basics, where we’ll explore tweaking white balance and playing with hues. We’ll show you how to make your images truly sing, adding that special touch that makes them feel alive. This tutorial includes a downloadable RAW file!.

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Perfect Color Edits

Today, we’ll delve into the fundamentals of color editing, empowering you to achieve perfect color balance and vibrancy in your photos. We’ll explore tools like white balance and the color mixer to fine-tune individual hues and saturations.

Basic Color Adjustments

Begin by opening your image in the Develop module and applying the “Auto” settings. This will provide a solid foundation by adjusting highlights, shadows, and overall exposure. Next, reset the vibrance and saturation sliders to zero. This allows for precise, individual color adjustments using the color mixer.

Color Mixer

Navigate to the color mixer panel. Here, you can adjust hue, saturation, and luminance for specific colors. Use the targeted adjustment tool to click and drag directly on the image, modifying colors intuitively. This method provides finer control than simply adjusting sliders. Experiment with enhancing yellows, greens, and blues to bring out the natural vibrancy of your scene.

Point Color & Calibration

For even more precise color control, explore the point color tool. Select specific colors using the eyedropper and adjust their hue, saturation, and luminance. Additionally, the calibration panel allows for subtle adjustments to red, green, and blue primaries, offering another layer of color refinement.

And just like that we finished Day 8 of our series! Tomorrow, we’ll focus on more advanced coloring techniques to help give images a specific mood.

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