Color Space. For the most part in Adobe 1998, but the problem with with this Color space is that it simply has too many colors for the Web. Web browsers use srgb, which is a smaller Color space than Adobe 1998. It’s kind of like comparing a human’s eyesight to a dog’s – our eyes let us see more Colors than dogs are able to.
SO, if we’ve edit an image in Adobe 1998 and upload it straight to the internet, the Colors will be incorrect. By changing the color space to srgb before saving, the Colors will remain correct!
Sharpening. Make sure to resize your image before you sharpen in Photoshop, otherwise your sharpening effects will be for the most part lost. Using High Pass with a combination of different blending modes and Layer Masks will allow to you create a natural sharpening effect.
Help Save the Rainforests With Photoshop
Save for Web. This will result in a much smaller file Size. The internet isn’t just magic, it requires energy to upload all of those amazing photos. By saving for web and lowering the quality just a little bit, you can help to make a Difference!