• Integrating Lightroom and Photoshop – Day 23

  • by Aaron Nace
    March 24, 2025
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Learn how to seamlessly blend Lightroom and Photoshop for advanced edits! This tutorial guides you through a complete workflow, from exporting as a smart object to mastering layers and text in Photoshop, then returning to Lightroom. Discover efficient file management and non-destructive editing techniques. Get the most out of this tutorial by practicing with the downloadable RAW file!

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The Power of Combining Apps

Imagine having the best of both worlds for your photos. Lightroom’s organization meets Photoshop’s creative power. By combining these two programs, you gain incredible control and flexibility. This tutorial shows you how to move smoothly between them, letting you push your images further than ever before!

Export Smart Object

Begin in Lightroom Classic’s Library module. Right-click your chosen image and select “Edit In,” then choose “Open as Smart Object in Photoshop”. This method preserves the RAW file’s editing capabilities within Photoshop’s Camera Raw filter. In Photoshop, you can then make adjustments, utilizing layers, masks, and text tools, as demonstrated in the transcript. The smart object allows for non-destructive editing, ensuring flexibility for future modifications.

Using Layers in PS

Within Photoshop, use layers to build your desired effect. The tutorial demonstrates placing embedded objects, creating layer masks, and grouping layers for efficient organization. Understand how to unlink layers from their masks for independent movement, and how to copy masks between layers or apply them to groups. Save your Photoshop file (Keyboard Shortcut “Ctrl/Cmd + S”) to automatically update the image back in Lightroom.

Lightroom’s Updated View

Return to Lightroom Classic. You’ll find the edited image, now a TIFF file, stacked with the original RAW file. Lightroom manages the file organization, placing the TIFF in the same folder as the RAW. You can reopen the Photoshop file directly from Lightroom for further edits, choosing to edit the original or a copy. Any changes saved in Photoshop will instantly reflect in Lightroom.

That concludes today’s lesson on combining Lightroom and Photoshop! Tomorrow, we’ll give you a comprehensive overview of all Lightroom applications.

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