Catalog > Free Tutorials > How to Make a Panorama in Photoshop
  • How to Make a Panorama in Photoshop

  • by Aaron Nace
    January 2, 2015
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Tutorial Description

Not only do we show you how to create a panorama in Photoshop, we also give you some expert tips on shooting those panoramic images David J. Crewe lends us his knowledge as we give you six amazing tips.To top it all off, we have a gear article specially prepared to compliment today’s episode. Now you can see the gear some of the pros are using, or just check out some budget options to get you started.

Tips From the Pros

Here are some tips for you when you’re out shooting panoramas:
1) Use a sturdy Tripod and try to stay “Level” when changing positions.
2) Overshoot / Shoot wider than you need so you can crop safely.
3) Use a longer lens (50mm or higher) since you’re stitching anyway. Wider lenses give you more distortion so your images will be more realistic/normal with a longer lens.
4) Shoot higher than F8. Most time-lapser and pano shooters will swear by the F8 to F11 zones for clarity and Sharpness.
5) Manually Focus to make sure everything is the same (no shifts from Frame to Frame).
6) Slow Shutter Speeds (or ND Filters) to reduce and eliminate distracting elements (people, animals, random Motion).

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