aaron nace photoshop photography mom interview
Catalog > Free Tutorials > Aaron Talks Life & Photography with Mama Nace!
  • Aaron Talks Life & Photography with Mama Nace!

  • by Aaron Nace
    August 13, 2019
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aaron nace photoshop photography mom interview

Tutorial Description

Aaron’s mom is here to help shed some light on how he went from a little boy in Hawaii to the Photoshop guru that we all know and love! Learn about how he discovered photography, how he mastered Photoshop, and where he gets all that Nace-family charm. Take a break from honing your Photoshop skills and learn how PHLEARN was born.

Want some quick Nace family facts? Here’s 10 things you (probably) didn’t know about Aaron and his family:

1.) Born and raised on Hawaiian island of Kauai.

2.) Went to school for industrial design.

3.) Originally wanted to design automobiles, furniture, and products.

4.) Helped design and build a car made out of wood.

5.) Discovered his love of photography while on a trip to South America.

6.) Developed his style during a 365 project where he captured and Photoshopped a self-portrait every day for an entire year.

7.) His mom is a dental hygienist and his dad is horticulturalist.

8.) Loves plants. LOVES them. A lot. The PHLEARN studio has over 100 plants that Aaron cares for daily.

9.) Happily married and is a proud doggy-father to a Field Spaniel named Koa.

10.) Aaron’s hobbies outside of Photoshop and photography are currently fermenting and dehydrating various foods (As a result, the PHLEARN team has an endless supply of snacks.)

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