Catalog > Free Tutorials > Dan Winters Style Photo Shoot
  • Dan Winters Style Photo Shoot

  • by Aaron Nace
    October 10, 2012
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Tutorial Description

Dan Winters is a great photographer who produces gripping work. His lighting style is amazing, and he has a way of pulling emotion out of his subjects that will leave you breathless.

Today we look at one of his famous portraits of Tom Hanks, and try to reproduce it. Our model is Sam Luna who is also a great musician. He is getting into doing modeling and we shot a few different looks for his book.

We start off by analyzing Dan’s lighting style, and the figure out how to reproduce it. Keep in mind everything we do is a guess, but that is part of the fun. We encourage you to find a photo you like and imitate it. It can be a great learning exercise! Just be sure to credit the person responsible.

After working on the lighting, we take to photoshop to color the image similar to Dan’s and give the background a bit of life. I think it turned out great!

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