Catalog > Free Tutorials > How to Make Beer Look Amazing in Photoshop (Part 2)
  • How to Make Beer Look Amazing in Photoshop (Part 2)

  • by Aaron Nace
    May 28, 2014
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How to Make Beer Look Amazing in Photoshop

Product photography can be very difficult to master. Every Highlight, Shadow, and Reflection show up in perfect detail and can make or break an image.

In How to Make Beer Look Amazing in Photoshop (Part 2) we show you how to take a normal photo of a Guinness and make it really stand out. You will learn how to cut the beer out from the Background, how to create Highlights on the glass, how to give the beer a proper “head”. In part two you will learn how to create bubbles and precipitation on the glass, create a Reflection of the glass and add a nice glow to the Background.

Creating Bubbles and Precipitation

After creating the Reflections on the glass of beer it is time to add some bubbles and precipitation to make it look more realistic. The trick here is to use the opposite Color from what appears on the glass.

To Achieve the precipitation effect we create two custom Brushes. The first custom Brush is a detailed “bubble” and is used to paint over top of the Highlights. The second custom Brush is just the Outline of a “bubble” and is used to paint detail over the dark areas of the image. These details are obviously not photo real but will work if you don’t have anything to start with on your image.

Creating the Reflection

After finishing the glass it is time to create it’s reflection. To do this we group all of the layers necessary to create the glass and then duplicate the group. Next we merge the group with itself and Transform it, flipping vertical. Then we place it under the original beer glass, lower it down, lower the Opacity and add a Layer Mask to allow it to Fade out of the image.

Adding a Glow

To finish the image off we add a subtle glow behind the Guinness. This gives us some nice separation between the glass and the Background as well as calls some of the Color from the Guinness itself.

Watch Part One

This episode is the second part of a two part tutorial. Be sure to check out part one here.

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