Catalog > Free Tutorials > Create and Shape Eyebrows in Photoshop
  • Create and Shape Eyebrows in Photoshop

  • by Aaron Nace
    April 24, 2014
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Never Underestimate the Power of the Eyebrow!

The shape and definition of eyebrows can make a huge Difference in someone’s appearance. The beauty industry has known this for years and all over the world people pluck, tweeze, tint, shape, Brush, and Pencil eyebrows.

In today’s episode we show you how to get create and shape eyebrows in Photoshop. You will learn how to shape eyebrows and realize what a Difference they can make in an image.

Creating a Custom Brush

Sometimes that right way to do something is also the hard way. That has never scared us here at Phlearn and that is why we bring you a method for creating eyebrows that involves a custom brush.

In this episode we show you how to use the Pen Tool to create a path that mimics a Hair. From there we Stroke that path with the Brush Tool, checking “Simulate Pressure”. This makes a brush Stroke that gets smaller on each end, just like Hair.

After that we use this shape to define a custom Brush shape and enter the Brush settings to make the Brush Hair follow the direction of the cursor. This is a bit involved if you have never used custom Brushes but don’t fear, we are including the brushes used in this tutorial for download.

Download Custom Eyebrow and Eyelash Brushes

For those of you who would rather just download the brushes created in this tutorial we offer them free of charge.
After downloading the custom Brushes simply unzip the package and double click on the brushes. They will automatically load into Photoshop and be available for immediate use.

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