Catalog > Free Tutorials > Remove Any Skin Blemish In Photoshop
  • Remove Any Skin Blemish In Photoshop

  • by Aaron Nace
    April 4, 2013
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Tutorial Description

We’ve focused on Retouching a lot here at Phlearn, taking care of zits, applying Makeup in Photoshop, you name it. But we’ve never covered taking care of larger Scale blemishes and redness, such as rosacea or in this case red powder. This technique works great for clearing up Skin, and we’re using an extreme example to prove it!

Hue & Saturation

Most of the red powder in this portrait can actually be cleared up by using a simple Hue & Saturation Adjustment Layer. By changing the Color Range, we can bring the powder and the Skin together to create a smooth, natural skin tone. Adjustments can be made on top of this layer, such as removing smaller blemishes.

Adding Highlights

To bring Highlights back into the skin, use the Brush Tool to paint white over the entire Face. With the Blend-If Tool, we can make the white only appear on the lighter parts of the Skin. This creates natural Highlights that prevent the Skin from looking too flat.

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