Catalog > Free Tutorials > When To Use The Clone Stamp VS. The Healing Brush Tool
  • When To Use The Clone Stamp VS. The Healing Brush Tool

  • by Aaron Nace
    February 4, 2013
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Clone Stamp VS Healing Brush Tool

We get a lot of people asking us what the Difference is between the Healing Brush Tool and the Clone Stamp. While they both have similar uses, there is a Difference in how these Tools get the job done.

What’s the difference?

Both of these Tools let you select a sampling point. This is the part of the image you want to keep, and paint over Distractions and blemishes. The clone stamp paints a complete copy of whatever you select. However, the Healing Brush Tool keeps the Highlights and Shadows of wherever you’re painting and only paints the Color of your sampling area. This makes the Clone Stamp much more suitable for areas with defined edges, since the Healing Brush will only blur the Color and you’ll end up with messy, smudged edges.

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