natalia seth aaron nace interview
Catalog > Free Tutorials > Interview with Natalia Seth
  • PHLEARN Interviews Natalia Seth

  • by Aaron Nace
    February 8, 2019
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natalia seth aaron nace interview

About Natalia Seth

At 13 years old, Natalia Seth began creating her first images and posting them on Instagram. Five years and 200,000+ followers later, she has inspired and captivated people all around the world with her colorful and imaginative photos.

At PHLEARN, we truly believe that learning should be fun. That’s how we knew that Natalia would be a perfect fit for a PHLEARN PRO tutorial. So she made the trip out to our Chicago studio and shared her process for creating four of her most popular images.

Surreal Portrait Compositing with Natalia Seth covers everything from creating realistic composites, to portrait retouching, to stylistic coloring with 14 custom-made Photoshop LUTs.

Natalia also took some time to talk with Aaron about her life, her creative process, her work, and her Instagram success.

natalia seth photoshopnatalia seth photoshop



“If it sticks with the viewer, then you’ve done your job.”

– Natalia Seth on originality


Ice cream hats, buttons-for-eyes, lions, giraffes, and dragonflies. These may sound like images straight out of Alice in Wonderland, but they’re really just a taste of what to expect from the dreamlike worlds that Natalia creates. Using a combination of photography, creative props, and Photoshop savvy, she’s able to craft impossible scenes that are both original and unforgettable.

She believes that the best images are original ideas that are true to the spirit of the creator. In her first PHLEARN PRO tutorial, you’ll get to hear her process of coming up with a concept, photographing it, and then see the entire post-production process step-by-step.

“I don’t really consider them my followers, I consider them more as supporters.”

– Natalia Seth on her Instagram community

Instagram Community

Natalia credits her Instagram community with a lot of her growth as a creative. Rather than seeing them as followers on a social media platform, she looks to them for support, guidance, and to create a dialogue for discussing her work and theirs.

She also describes the amount of work it takes to grow and maintain such a healthy Instagram following. Regular content and interaction are a must, and she shares some valuable insight as to how she schedules her posts and stays engaged with her followers.

“If you’re just creating for trends, if you’re just creating so that you’re audience will like it . . . they’re going to notice that because it’s not genuine to who you are.”

– Natalia Seth on being yourself

Welcome to the PHAMILY

We couldn’t be more excited to welcome Natalia into the family of PHLEARN instructors. Her talent and energy rub off on everyone around her. We hope that you’ll take a lot away from her interview and from her first PRO tutorial, whether it be how to foster more creative ideas or how to make them come together using the magic of Photoshop.

If you want to learn and follow along with Natalia, subscribe to PHLEARN PRO and get access to her pro tutorial as well as every other tutorial in our library. Master Photoshop, Lightroom, photography, and bring your imagination to life!

For an even more in-depth conversation, check out Natalia’s interview in PHLEARN Magazine.

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