Christina Riley’s photo series, Born, is a raw look at motherhood. Shot in gritty black-and-white detail, the photos encapsulate every moment, failure, celebration and tear of her first year as a mother.
Pushing for Better
Nothing says “hire me” like showing up unannounced, out of breath, and covered in perspiration when you are begging for someone to glance at your photography portfolio.
Issue 2: Beginning & Believing: How To Get Started
The only fear that you should ever work with is the fear of the disappointment you get from not trying.
“I Just Don’t Photograph Well.”
Our job is to get them to forget for a few moments that they’re even having their picture taken. That can only come from your professionalism, confidence in your abilities, and a friendly disposition.
Photography, Like Falling In Love
For me, the camera is so much more than just a device that creates images. It’s so much more than just something that exposes a roll of film, or delivers way too many megapixels. It’s a key. A key that opens doors.
People of Afghanistan: Intimate Portraits of a Forgotten People with Jakub Rybicki
Jakub Rybicki travels to the Wakhan Corridor, a remote mountain region in northeastern Afghanistan and offers us a closer look at the Kyrgyz and Wakhi people who live there, isolated from the violence surrounding them.
Designing For A Restaurant Almost Killed Me
I felt ready. I felt prepared. I thought nothing could go wrong…but, boy oh boy, was I wrong.
It’s Not Too Late To Evolve
Don’t let your creativity go the way of the dodo. Who knows what leap your photography could take next?
Finding Inspiration in the Last Place You’d Expect – Within Yourself
Let’s face it, staying motivated is hard. It seems there’s always someone better than you and that no matter how hard you try, you’ll never be the best.
Don’t Get Stuck
I’d like to shed some light on a place I’m certain every single creative person has visited, but very few willingly admit to having been…the creative wasteland found in The Long Middle.
Issue 1: Beginning & Believing: How to Get Started
Throughout June, PHLEARN Magazine will explore the topics of Beginning & Believing: How to Get Started. We’re glad you’re starting with us.
The Art of Not Making Great Art
Creation is an experience, not a manual to be followed step-by-step. As soon as I stopped trying to force my creativity to fit into predetermined boxes, it got easier and easier to pull my visions into the physical realm.