This in-depth guide is designed to help you start consistently taking better photographs, no matter what subject you’re shooting. Follow along as we talk about how to balance technique and creativity, and guide you through 25 simple and highly effective tips for perfect composition.
Passion Isn’t Everything
Deep down, I was disappointed. I was letting myself down. It was another project that I was putting in the “unfinished pile”. I knew I had to arrest this downward spiral before it degenerated into total failure.
Analog Effects in a Digital World
Learning the ways of these old-school effects not only gave me newfound respect for the art and craft of the masters that went before me, but instilled a sense of practical creativity and problem solving that I’m not sure I would have gotten in the purely digital world.
Beginning vs. Starting
Naturally, you’re not quite as good at starts as you are at beginnings. Starting is a bit harder. They require intention, community, courage, and a dose of naiveté.
Life Lessons From a Farmer’s Market Vendor
If you had told me that I’d learn more about business and my creative potential from running a booth at a farmer’s market than from working with Victoria’s Secret in New York, I would’ve thought you were crazy.
Taking Creative Risks: Freelance Photographer in Conflict Zones
We look for work in places where people struggle to survive and that goes against human nature. While people are running away from the front lines, I am running toward them to photograph.
10 Nudges to Move You Toward Action
Certainly you’ve heard of analysis paralysis – that catatonic state your mind enters into when overthinking causes complete immobilization. Perhaps you’re visiting this post now in an attempt to flee the very action that you know you must take next.
Listening for Creativity
I believe all sentient beings are creative beings. If that weren’t so I don’t think there would be a Facebook or Instagram, bicycles, ice cream or bologna.
Do the Work You Love: How to Overcome Self-Doubt & Fear
So maybe you’ve been inspired by Aaron Nace, but when you compare yourself to him you realize he has over a million subscribers and your idea seems an utterly impossible reality.
Childlike Imagination: An Illustration
My kids tell me what the characters are doing at the moment – and the moments after the picture is drawn.
The Power of the Unpolished
Each time we allow ourselves to dream, we solidify something and discover a piece of who we were meant to become…
Taking on Creative Risks with Confidence
I don’t know what made me more nervous: my first real photo shoot with a model or having my 70-year-old mom along as my assistant.