
Graphics & Text Tutorials


Add Snowflakes to any image by learning to make your own brush or download ours for free!

Sample Images Included


Using Step and Repeat, you can create Patterns from scratch! And that’s exactly what you’ll learn in today’s episode. Step and Repeat is simply a series of Keyboard Shortcuts that allows an automatic repeat of shapes.

Sample Images Included


In today’s episode, we show you how to create Custom shapes in Photoshop!


Repeatable Patterns can be used for so many different applications. You can use a repeatable Pattern to Add Texture to your images. In our case, we used a repeatable Pattern to add a Background to our website.


Join us in Photoshop to create an awesome magazine cover. We use a gradient to add some color, then do a bit of masking to throw our logo behind the subject.


In today’s episode, learn how to create a billboard advertisement in Photoshop. Match size and perspective for a realistic looking billboard.


Learn How to Color an Illustration in Photoshop in today’s episode. Start by downloading an image from a stock website like Fotolia, or scanning in your very own work!


We’ll be taking an image, making it into a Smart Object and then placing it over an iPad. This technique would work great for anyone who wants to create a mock-up and see what it’d look like in real space.


Draw more attention to your photos by showing before/after animations on Instagram. In today’s episode, we show you how to create a Before and After image in Photoshop. After that, we show you how to animate it as an Animated Gif.


Learn How to Create Collage Templates in Photoshop in this episode! This is a priceless technique for anyone with a blog, website, or someone just wanted to combine a few images together into one.

Sample Images Included


Channels are a great way to make extremely accurate selections! Although there are many different techniques that could yield similar results, Channels can provide the most accurate selections of all.


Learn how to create a cinemagraph in Photoshop. We don’t stop there, we also give you some tips for creating a cinemagraph in camera. Sit back, grab some popcorn and enjoy the ride!


We show you some Basic Techniques you can use to create some awesome Graphic art. From color fill Adjustment Layers to Layer Masks, to transforming selections and saving custom color swatches.


Create and Place a Logo in perspective in today’s episode! This is helpful for photographers and designers alike as you will learn how to Transform text as well as place it into an image!


In this episode we’ll show you where to get a banner, how to Transform your text to fit on the banner and how to place those banners on your images.

Sample Images Included


Follow along to make text match the perspective of most images. Using a combination of Warp and Transform, you can give text the perspective to fit your photo, and we will share our favorite fonts for a handwritten look.


In today’s episode, the rounded rectangle tool comes in handy as we create our icon. The rounded rectangle Tool helps us create are shape and there are enough options available for us to be really specific.


If you are looking to add some security to the images you are uploading online, this episode is perfect for you! Today we’ll show you how to create a watermark to place on your images.


Having your own signature at the end of your emails is a great way to leave a professional impression. No matter what type of business you are in, having an email signature is the perfect way to sign off.


Add a futuristic look to your images. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to add a light up display over the eye for a cyborg look.


Video Game lovers, rejoice! In today’s episode, learn How to Make a Call of Duty Title Screen in Photoshop, and take away some versatile font techniques too!


If you have a complicated selection to make such as hair, let us introduce you to your new best friend: the Refine Edge Tool!


Join us for a jam packed episode on how to create an amazing painted album cover!


In today’s episode we combine Vintage newspapers with a portrait to create a piece of art. Learn how to apply Filters to your subject to make them appear like an illustration, then Add Texture to that illustration in a few easy steps.


From cutting subjects out to switching Backgrounds to any Pattern of your choosing, this is one episode you don’t want to miss!


In today’s episode, we show you how to make a Polaroid framed picture in Photoshop!


Explore artistic options and learn how quickly you can accomplish them with a simple Blending Mode change!


How to edit a sky photo to make it look more dramatic and how to add a city, altering the Light Levels to match it with the sky.

Sample Images Included


Ditch the struggle to try and figure out perspective manually! In today’s episode, we show you how to use the Vanishing Point Filter to lay Text anywhere in a realistic way.


Photoshop is an amazing Tool that can help you with more than just Retouching photographs; it can be used to create illustrations as well! In today’s episode, we show you how to turn a photo into what looks like a hand-drawn illustration.