
Free Tutorials – Popular


Having trouble finding stock images? Look no further! Here are Aaron’s top 5 favorite free stock image websites.

Links Included


Gain the confidence to master product photography! Take an outside-the-box approach to product photos with this composite where you can learn to match highlights and shadows, retouch products, and make details selections.

Photoshop  |  Compositing  |  Medium  |  2 hours  |  5 videos

12 Sample Images  |  1 Photoshop Brush

100 out of 5
( 9 )

Learn how to quickly remove and reduce wrinkles in Photoshop!


Speed up your workflow and learn to quickly identify what needs to be retouched in a photo and exactly how to do it. Shape the body, smooth skin, correct color, add texture, sharpen like the pros and much more!

Photoshop  |  Retouching  |  Easy  |  1 hours  |  1 video

11 Sample Images  |  2 Photoshop Brushes

100 out of 5
( 11 )

In this episode we show you how to select the green Color Range and define a Layer Mask with the selection. This technique will allow you to cut your subject out from the Background quickly and accurately.

Sample Images Included


How to edit a sky photo to make it look more dramatic and how to add a city, altering the Light Levels to match it with the sky.

Sample Images Included


In this Photography tutorial we focus on three key elements necessary to produce this image. You will learn about lighting, Styling and props and shooting for a Composite.


Ditch the struggle to try and figure out perspective manually! In today’s episode, we show you how to use the Vanishing Point Filter to lay Text anywhere in a realistic way.


Photoshop is an amazing Tool that can help you with more than just Retouching photographs; it can be used to create illustrations as well! In today’s episode, we show you how to turn a photo into what looks like a hand-drawn illustration.


In this tutorial, you will learn the photography and Photoshop required to transform your images into an underwater world. Color correct highlights and shadows independently, create light rays, create flowing hair, and learn to light a subject.

Photoshop  |  Visual Effects  |  Advanced  |  2.5 hours  |  6 videos

30 Sample Images  |  3 Photoshop Brushes

100 out of 5
( 9 )

Take your Photoshop knowledge to a whole new level with this advanced tutorial. Learn how to create an entire world from scratch, incorporating more than 20 photos, computer generated wings and lighting effects all with perfect perspective.

Photoshop  |  Compositing  |  Advanced  |  3.75 hours  |  10 videos

25 Sample Images  |  2 Photoshop Brushes

100 out of 5
( 9 )

Follow along and learn how to take the texture from any background and blend it directly onto a subject. Discover techniques for blending, colorizing, advanced cloning, creating highlights and shadows, making selections and more.

Photoshop  |  Visual Effects  |  Medium  |  1.5 hours  |  7 videos

1 Sample Image

100 out of 5
( 7 )

Transform your next portrait image into a special effects scene worthy of a superhero. In this tutorial, you’ll learn to add realistic fire to your photos. Watch as we retouch a background, add fire, create custom brushes and much more.

Photoshop  |  Visual Effects  |  Easy  |  1 hours  |  4 videos

7 Sample Images  |  3 Photoshop Brushes

100 out of 5
( 17 )

Learn the intricacies of how light falls on the human face and five different methods to shape and enhance it in Photoshop. We cover dodging and burning, skin coloring, advanced sharpening, adding realistic makeup, and more.

Photoshop  |  Retouching  |  Medium  |  2.5 hours  |  1 video

2 Sample Images  |  1 Photoshop Brush

100 out of 5
( 4 )

Shooting later in the day gives you the opportunity to add a warm “sunset Style” to your image in Photoshop. In today’s episode we show you how to Color your image to give it that warm “sunset” feel.


The white Background has become a standard in the photography world and for good reasons. You can pick up a white seamless background for less than $100, turning any space into a photo studio.


Photoshop Actions are created by manually performing a series of steps and recording them in an ATN file. You can replay those steps on any image by hitting the play button in the action dialog.


The Liquify Tool is one of the most powerful image editing Tools in Photoshop. It will allow you to “push and pull” pixels any way you’d like.


In today’s episode we show you how to add fish to an image of a girl in a bathtub. The Compositing process is simple as long as you keep in mind how Color, Light and Depth work.


Here’s a quick tip for making colors pop in Photoshop. This technique is perfect for a photo that is dominated by one or two Colors, especially if those Colors are complimentary.


There are many things that go into making an image appear vintage in Photoshop and this episode Highlights all the techniques you may need to make your photos look aged. In this episode, we’ll show you how to create a Vintage photo in Photoshop.


If you’re wondering how to replace a sky in Photoshop, choosing the correct sky to Composite into your photo is the most important step in Compositing a sky. There are a few different factors you will want to keep in mind when looking for a new sky.


Learn how to properly save and export your images so they display perfectly on the Web and allow for easy changes later.


We have found that learning a few Tools will allow you to do 90% of your Photo Editing. Here’s what they are!


These are the proper settings and preferences to get Photoshop working well.

rotate tool

Just as a painter may turn his canvas for an easier brush stroke, turn your image for easier editing! This is especially useful when using a pen and tablet.

Photoshop  |  Photo Editing  |  Medium  |  1 video

1 Sample Image


Need to get precise? Zoom in! Images are getting more and more detailed as new cameras are released, so zoom in and get to the details.

Photoshop  |  Photo Editing  |  Easy  |  1 video

1 Sample Image


The Quick Mask Tool is great whenever you are working with selection tools. It helps clearly define what you do and do not have selected.

Photoshop  |  Photo Editing  |  Medium  |  1 video

1 Sample Image

100 out of 5
( 1 )

Add creative and artistic effects to your images using the Filter Gallery.

Photoshop  |  Photo Editing  |  Easy  |  1 video

1 Sample Image


Save yourself the hassle of trying to eyeball it and use The Alignment Tool. You can even align objects within the confines of a selection.

Photoshop  |  Photo Editing  |  Easy  |  1 video

1 Sample Image


Rounding the corners of a rectangle can give you a much softer look that’s easier on the eye. Great for creating buttons or icons, we’ll teach you all the ways to use this versatile shape.

Photoshop  |  Photo Editing  |  Easy  |  1 video

1 Sample Image